i'm "up"

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I have been answering comment notifications with email — which does not work — and putting dish washing liquid into my coffee filter. Russia wasn't making it up, and that accounts for the flying psychopath spittle and asinine recapitulation and embellishment of the old Litvinenko mindfuck. When my lights switched off at ten to ten — with cats and dogs pelting down on my roof — this morning, I set immediately to flogging hogtied fat, naked, greasy, rubbery transhumans... drawing blood... actually, something more in the way of a blood-like sweat... until nine to ten when a snore bid my body turn over for this, creeped out about both being so avidly that kind of retributive and vexed because it hadn't seemed effectual enough. I only slept through waking up about three times in my five-hour nap. I've either taken my thyroid three times or none this morning or "morning" or both. I have absolutely NO clue. Other than that, the cats and dogs are still hitting and I'm just fine watching kids rock their way to brain tumors.

always and any time....