guess what!

[click image]


Yep. I'm hoping I can hear the UPS truck through the din so the poor guy doesn't have to get any wetter to get me my monthly coffee order... and I sure hope those trucks have good heaters because it's coooold out there too.


Just FYI, 'round about 2pm this afternoon the hard rain was joined by hard wind. Lights've flickered a couple times and it has brought on that feeling of ill omen it almost invariably invokes in me whenever the wind blows.

But I'm trying to remember when the wind didn't start until the middle of a front. It comes first or with or after, but I don't remember it coming in the middle before. Maybe I'm just growing paranoid from the deep suspicion that "they" are aiming all of California's weather at my house.


Oh, and I did hear the UPS guy, but only managed to meet him halfway to my door from his truck. So we both got wet.

you can still pipe up any time....