86 is napoleon's grandson eight times removed

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It is sunny today, and so our little respite
Minimal fire behavior, creeping, smoldering, backing.
is drying up. Warmer weather ahead and winds, of course, out of the NE.

I was in Mill Valley and there were a lot of those gas station swift-marts involved. Kept evacuating from one to another. Billy was in there somewhere and so were Trish and Scott, but all I can remember is it was all taking place around where Blithedale and Camino Alto intersect. Everything else was blackness but the various gas stations.


Fire's kicking back up already... a new hotspot... on an almost completely useless perimeter map... EVEN with the rain slowing it.

Fire Basin Team 1 taking over west zone at 6pm.
The Great Basin National Incident Management Team #1 is a team of federal, state and local partners. Team members are from Nevada, Wyoming, Utah and Idaho. We manage complex emergency situations, providing for public and firefighter safety first.
I hope their first act is to order up a flight for a new perimeter map. There's only so much of this I can take.

pipe up any time....