i wonder if it's edible, like before chemistry edible

[click image]


I wonder if my friends would all chip in to move me there. I wonder if that wouldn't be a better way to end up than in a tent not too far off a dirt road....


The motel smoke alarm was chirping in my room when I arrived. The kid at the desk came up and "fixed" it. It started chirping again at 2am. Another one came up and ripped it off the ceiling for me. Good thing I crashed early, because I was up for at least an hour from that, and then my 7:30 wakeup call came, when I was right in the middle of getting some dream sleep.

But then I realized the phone was ringing and there was nothing but an ugly tone... and must've not woken up enough because I was next trying on velvet ceremonial robes and Uma Thurman was some sort of hotel therapist who was running in and out to get to her clients while I was busy disapproving of this attire. Then I was running around between all the hotel amenities to find something, anything useful and in working condition, started to drive off, but everywhere was mud and men in the midst of constructing a suburb... using that particle board that is why so many houses burn right down to the ground with barely a trace... and they were all whistling at me. So I hooked a U-ey and went back to my room. Uma was flustered about the fact there are still smoking rooms and having to walk through them.

I ignored her... and then it struck me I needed to be up and hassling with getting awake enough for court.

Made the mistake of looking at the time after I'd quickly thrown on some clothes.


Was that a typo? Or an idiot? Or my karma?


And did you know I'm an inch and a quarter shorter than I was thirty years ago? I thought I had more time than this. I thought I still got to be full grown for maybe another ten years. Now I wonder if I'll be alive in ten years.

pipe up any time....