ben carson!

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Finally! Someone has the decency to MENTION that the taxpayers have been paying for housing homeless people and they're STILL not getting housed.
Newsom and 13 mayors of the state's largest cities wrote to Trump this week in search of more federal funds to expand state-wide programs such as housing vouchers.


Request denied

"Federal taxpayers are clearly doing their part to help solve the crisis," wrote Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson in a Wednesday reply to Newsom, written at the request of President Trump. "California cannot spend its way out of this problem using federal funds."

Trump, meanwhile, directed his administration last week to explore ways to combat the homelessness crisis in California. Ideas include relocating vagrants from Los Angeles's notorious skid row to vacant federal properties.

Nearly 500,000 California households already receive some kind of federal housing assistance, Carson said in his letter, dated Wednesday, and subsidies per tenant are 38% higher than the national average. He said that Los Angeles alone -- where many freeway overpasses and public parks have become encampments -- is home to 19% of the nation’s entire homeless population.

Carson added that California needs to let police officers refer homeless people to social services workers, and must increase its psychiatric hospital services - which could come via additional federal funding, according to the report. Here's the kicker however; California must end so-called "sanctuary city" policies which he says encourage illegal immigrants to flock to the state in search of government services.
You give Californa money at your peril. Somehow it goes down a black hole of no visible effectuality and EVERYTHING continues to get worse.

I know this sounds crazy, but I think we'd be better off electing a hiring committee to appoint COMPETENT people to all our public offices. These political parties have NO interest in competence OR constituents.

pipe up any time....