here's the hope

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I never would have thought I'd see anything like it, and it's weird man. Maybe this crazy conversation between Jeff and Jon will be the right way to consider the import of this historic day. With the exception of Jeff going off on some short Muslim rant, it ranges over some important points about this moment in history.

They are talking about this Pilger essay.

First hundred days plan here and here.

Or just go to the president's website....

We'll see, friends. We will see.


SPEECH... you might want to consider next to one of our biggest naysayers on the matter of our new president's intent.


And this image of a Trump supporter schooling the protestors reminds me of my days as a blog monitor.


CONGRATULATIONS to the millions who have been staggering under this burden!


Plus, one of the greatest moments in American political history...

Maybe THE greatest of all time anywhere.

pipe up any time....