an iraqi who chose america

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And saved lives. Checking mental defaults.


And happy as I was to get our guys out of Iraq, there seems to be a recurring theme on what the Democratic Party deems the appropriate way to leave a war. They seem to think that just abandoning our allies to be overtaken by malign forces is an honorable commitment to peace.

As with the abandonment of the South Vietnamese so long ago, we have done the same to the Iraqi people. Yes, the problem is that monster embassy we built so that globalists might maintain their power in Iraq, and that would have stayed no matter which party we're talkin'... because lizards driving around human suits run EVERYTHING.

For those who still resist the lizards, wouldn't it have been smarter to leave troops and empty that embassy enough to maybe leave an ambassador and a secretary one room and use the rest for, say, barracks... or homeless shelter?

pipe up any time....