I am using your Gaga complex to smack you in the teeth with some good links. I was going about putting together something on Gaddafi's latest for you, when I hit Lendman at Mathba mentioning the execrable and risible Michio Kaku's recent piece on the matter. This struck me because Joely had emailed me to turn me on to Kaku's appearance on Democracy Now! just a few hours ago, and I went postal. It offended every bone in my body, even as I could tell the self-satisfied old fucker is trying... in his own crazymakingly flacid way. I mean, MAN UP, you weaselly old dickless excuse for a physicist! OMG, I got mad.
It was made the worse by being followed up by him in another segment insisting that FOOD IS GETTING CHEAPER ALL THE TIME. That sent me off needing to apologize for being so rude, and fumbling for the ice bucket I use for my head.
So I had to leap right on these links for you when I saw Lendman's piece. I mean, I'm still mad, but at least I can see that SOME people are getting the message, despite the complete failure of leadership of guys like Kaku and Gundersen [who truly has a gift for understatement]. They should be BELLOWING into the cameras at every appearance. They should be raising posses to take the White House by storm. They should be scaring the living crap out of you.
Instead, they seem to treasure their dignity more than the lives of living things. Don't let me near them.
And, yes, you heard right, Gundersen is getting with DEEPAK CHOPRA on Friday about this, but has thus far neglected to include the link he was talking about. So I will try to keep on top of that for you, if you are interested, but my reaction, of course—my knee jerking up to bash me in the chin—is SCREAMING that this too is being turned into a mode of popularity enhancements by these zombies... but... well, pray that I am WRONG, and it will be them doing the bellowing and posse raising... at last.
Oh, well, uh, duh, The Google turns out to be a handy thing....
I know, I know, I've got an eight by ten color glossy of Chopra becoming florid over ANYTHING, but if he's a tenth the enlightened sort he makes himself out to be, he should be quite visibly and audibly urgent about this. If he's laid back and philosophical about it all, you guys are going to have to come with the hoses and radioactive water tankers because there's going to be another meltdown here.
Do you suppose Kaku ever goes to the grocery store?
Well... and... so... uhm... WTF is up with AMY GOODMAN letting Kaku get away with saying that, like, seven times, without once bringing him up short to explain himself? Is she such a bleeding heart PC liberal she can't bring herself to challenge our token oppressed person physicist? Christ. Maybe he was talking about lab rat food....