Why do people believe, say, the president over, say, William Cooper? What is it makes one get your vote and the other your disrespect?
Incidentally, you should know that Wikipedia has definitely shaken out to be a card-carrying member of the Blue Pill Media. There are many pages that are slanted egregiously or DELETED completely so as to suppress what information is extant about certain people and things. DO NOT just check Wikipedia for anything you want more than a vague notion about, or just want something like a date or the whole name. It is only a stepping stone for people wanting to know about things and should NOT be taken as an authority on anything but the very most basic bits.
I'm sure everyone who comes here is aware of this, but it needs stressing and periodic reminders. Whenever in the course of back and forth with people waving Wikipedia, you would be doing them a kindness to remind them to check their sources.
He was a GOOD man.