Peace out, Mike. Peace out.
For instance, he put me onto THIS. I just got done listening. [5pm, PDT] It made me cry with gratitude to hear it. I cannot recommend this to you highly enough. Our hostess, Donna, has pretty harsh sound quality going here, so turn it down, but, whoa, PLEASE listen. Please bother to give the link to anyone you find blathering about stupid hillbillies.
Her guest, "Ginny" is someone we've heard from before, on a three-way video chat with Mike and Dutch and Ginny, a month or so ago. If you are having trouble hanging with the "HAARP" stuff, or are interested in finding out what's up with the scary ass disaster drills just happening to be coming down in the middle of this New Madrid mess, or you still don't grok the weather control | earthquake | directed energy beams thing, or if you just plain old want to listen to some REAL people, YOU DO NOT, NOT, NOT WANT TO MISS THIS.
If yer a judgmental "progressive" zombie, you will want to miss it, but, tough shit, TAKE YER MEDICINE.
For one hour only, starting at 6:30pm PDT, Mike and Ginny, will be talking on freedomslips... and he wants you to know that he has nothing to do with patrioticspace dot com.
Well, that was pretty much of an abortion. Ginny was the one you wanted to be hearing and her line kept dropping off the air. We got to hear her clearing her throat and that was about it. Instead we get some crew cut trying to insert Jesus and this won't be a Katrina-like response crap. Sheesh.
Anyway, the short and short of it is: There is reason to believe the recent heavy weather and inundation of the Mississippi River Valley, basin, New Madrid fault zone, has been orchestrated, and the blather about retaliation for OBL, and the four days of federal emergency response drills coming this week, all sound too eerily familiar to many, many people. And it is not just a bunch of survivalists and conspiracy nuts. It's mainstreamized. They are talking about it almost as though it were a scheduled event.