I have bucked against the no planes theory because of all the people who saw and heard the planes, despite the questionable physics of the Wile E. Coyote holes in the buildings. The physical experience of the people on the streets outweighs all the fantastical blather about CGI and media hoax you could ever put up. But if you add in the notion that the state of holographic technology is this advanced, well then that's a completely different ball game... AND it may even explain my disappearing mini jets. Of course, maybe not....
If they upload parts 2, 3 and 4, I'll make you a playlist.
[HERE is the playlist. This is not new. Even though I recognized the first one, at the image link, it came on the only-if-you-have-the-link mode, which made me think there was stuff in it not in the original, and it sounded that way to me. It must have been an uploading mistake. So I made you the playlist from the originals.]
Hollywood goes 9/11....
It bothers me to know that the script for the Lone Gunmen episode of a plane being auto-piloted into the World Trade Center was inspired by a Clancy novel and the guy calling Alex to blow the whistle on the fake OBL assassination is Clancy's collaborator for his novels and the template for the Jack Ryan character. That keeps sticking in my craw. It bothers me to know they were writing the script in 2000 for a Fox TV show and Scalia and Thomas, not to mention the entirety of the Dubya/Fudd "administration" are THICK with the Fox people.
I have hated for many years how obviously hit TV shows are centered around mind controlling viewers, even ones I wanted to find likable just pissed me off too much to endure whenever pinned in a house with a television set for even an hour. I can groove with Turner Classic Movies and that's IT. As much as I've hated it and as certain as I've been that bad guys are doing this programming, it's still shocking that it goes to this extent. Crazy as you might find all the denizens of Out There, screaming about them telling us what's going to happen in movies and TV and novels and symbolism in music videos, the works, it really IS happening... and maybe their explanation for WHY it's happening is right. It's not any crazier than the psychotic mainstream. In an insane world, sane people get called "nuts"....