Not stuffed in a box, Joseph P Farrell is not afraid to speculate:
Now permit me to do some absolutely wild speculation here, and return wholesale dividends of speculation for a minimal investment of fact, to paraphrase Mark Twain once again. First it is to be noted that the planet is a solid carbon based object with more mass than Jupiter. That would argue that the planet is a gigantic diamond, a gigantic crystal. Second, it also calls into question certain assumptions in various circles of astronomy that planets beyond a certain mass cannot be solid but only gas giants.Or at least a whole evening dreaming up science fiction that will come true.
Now, here comes the wild speculation part. For those who don’t know the name, Dr. Paul LaViolette, a physicist, wrote a remarkable book called The Talk of the Galaxy, which is a study precisely of pulsars. In that book, LaViolette notes that the distribution of pulsars across the Milky Way when viewed from the Earth as a reference point is non-random. More importantly, LaViolette speculates that pulsars were used by some advanced civilization to build a communications system utilizing phase-conjugate mirrors.
The essence of that complicated sounding device is that it would require a non-linear material, and in this instance, a planet made of diamond would be both non-linear and linear material, and have, as all crystals do, a resonance, and storing up great energy in its crystal lattice. Crystals can be made to be tuned, as anyone familiar with radios knows, to receive radio signals, which pulsars emit.
So let’s push LaViolette’s hypothesis a bit further. We are dealing with a binary system: (1) pulsar, and (2) crystalline planet. We might, in other words, be looking at some engineering on a planetary and stellar scale… and that should give one pause.