i didn't need to be told

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There was a little lunch joint down the street from where I lived. They specialized in hot sandwiches and soups. They made their sandwiches hot by nuking them. Pastrami. Corned beef. Turkey. Whatever. Very soon all the different sandwiches tasted the same. The soup was not nuked. It was cooked in separate pots and you could always taste the difference. The soup always tasted like what it was supposed to be. The sandwiches tasted like hot mystery meat. I made up my mind some thirty-five years ago never to own or use a microwave. With the very few exceptions I've stuck to that... and for things like popcorn or ruining your coffee in an effort to reheat it, I guess there's little harm done, but for all the people out there who are grateful to live in modern times, where you don't have to cook if you don't want to... well... there's a reason you're having to pound cans of Ensure to feel strong enough to go to the grocery store....