you better hope ben and drake and winston are telling the truth

[click image]


And, personally, I think the focus on the financial in those quadrants is reprehensible. That seems to be the motivating force for almost everyone. Boiling dolphins and frying pelicans doesn't seem to move people. Well, Ben is motivated by all of it, but the others are concentrating on money. They say the big take down won't happen until i's are dotted and t's crossed in a new monetary system. How is this going to halt whatever the fuck they are doing to perfect their scalar weapons? Somebody explain to me how this might go. Leaving aside that you think it's not happening and it's all been a pack of LIES, because just deciding that it's all out of our hands is completely unacceptable to me, how does a new equitable monetary system address the problem of fantastical-yet-obviously-real weaponry being developed, tested, used? What's the key to stopping that?


Recent Fulford interview HERE. Sound quality sucks.