I had been napping through much of the day. Just did not want to be up. I don't think anything was wrong. Just sort of in a "not this" space after having arisen at 2:30 in the morning. I mean, it was fine to be up as long as it was dark, but it met with unwillingness as the light came up. So I thought I was not going to be able to sleep last night again, but decided to get a bunch of Krishnamurti videos strung together to provide some good background blather for if I would get to sleep.
I did. It worked well. Except, me and my famous relative were at someone's house for dinner. We thought it was all fine but things like the wrong number of chairs were happening and the host would be going off in one direction while the hostess was going another. The hostess was really pretty much of a frazzle and suddenly she decided to entertain us with her Krishnamurti impression.
Ha ha, we all laughed, whoever we all were. We were having a lot of trouble getting into the same room, specifically the dining room. It finally seemed it was coming together, but I felt forced to bring more chairs to the table and the hostess was getting off on this Krishnamurti riff and pretty much forgetting about dinner altogether. I was hungry. I was becoming annoyed.
I tried leaving, spilled out onto the streets of San Anselmo, heading for an old boyfriend's restaurant. The hostess had come with me and she would not stop the Krishnamurti business. It was getting so emphatic. It was whining and proclaiming with an urgency that was annoying the snot out of me by now. I was adamantly beseeching her to knock it off. My nerves were going.
I ran up the stairs at the restaurant, with her blathering away out on the sidewalk, having attracted some people on the street with her nonstop declaratory impression. There were two offices up there, one on either side of the stairwell, a man in each one, and they would speak to each other from their desks through the open doors of their offices. I just stood at the top of the stairs to warn them that I was there and needed help to shut this woman up.
I was nearly in tears. A voice wafted out to agree to come down and try. I went to the bottom of the stairs and sat there waiting for my savior. He took his time. He was Richard Gere and evidently needed that time to assume a younger countenance for this task. He looked to be half billboard and half human... all very handsome you will agree.
He came out onto the street and stood there in front of the Ms. Krishnamurti. She did not skip a beat. The rest of the people on the sidewalk were distracted, for sure, but it didn't stop her. I ran off to hide.
As I was going a team of men with guns were coming to strafe the street. I saw them coming and took cover without even bothering to warn others. I was immediately aware of this not warning people thing, before, during and after running for cover. It was an option on the table from the moment I saw them. I didn't do it and as I was hiding I was trying to beat myself up for it, and it all just seemed too stupid. So I stood up and went back out onto the street.
No one was there. No bodies. No movie stars. No shooters. And... thank the lort... no Krishnamurti hostess. This woke me up. It seems one of the videos on my sleep blather playlist was Krishnamurti having an animated discussion with a priest and he'd taken one of his few breaks on his side of the argument. He started up again. It was almost as though he were having a tantrum. That pleading that had gotten into his declarative mode was really almost as annoying as the failed hostess had just been in my dream.
Then another of the videos, him speaking at some UN thing, had very bad sound, was way too loud, even though I had the volume down pretty low. I had to take those off the playlist so I could go back to sleep again.