I have been doing lots of thinking about this over the last year or so, and I think it has been well-proved that our dear days as flower children were co-opted by the bad guys pretty quickly. There are those who insist we were invented by the space lizards, but they are wrong.
They have always had their fingers on the pulse at university. It was supremely easy to capture our leaders. Since we took a very hard left at mach speed, leaving our parents apoplectic, it took some real slicksters to get this in hand, but they damn did, they damn did! They took our demand for paradise and convinced us that PAVING IT was the way.
It's not too late to wake from it. It's not too late until you are dead.
You probably are not going to be patient enough to follow the links and watch all the videos from both Henrik's version and Irvin's, and I'm having to do a half watch of the German one because the subtitles give me a headache, but even half-watching is kicking up synapses.
Don't be too busy, attention too clipped by our pre-posthumanist times, for this. I think if you don't have the time or patience or interest or whatever prevents you, you should just bear it in mind that we've been had, our ideals bent around our egos so mercilessly that it's a wonder we're still walking around. Then maybe you can try to get to it when you have girded yourself sufficiently... when it occurs to you that this is for real... that you don't know what's going on.
Made it through the German DOCUMENTARY on Ted Kaczynski, and I gotta say he was certainly right about a lot. I did not read a lot of it, but got some cherce bits out of it anyway.
One of the guys from ARPA who gave us the internet states that he will not read the Unabomber's Manifesto just like he won't read Hitler's. Not worth his attention. Then, immediately follows this declaration with a self-righteous riff about ignorance. Breathtaking!
Old fart points out that particles in physics are place holders for questions, that math proofs prove nothing, no theory of everything can be right because the questions are unanswerable. Science is just systems. Theories are poems that people can hear and if it has been beautiful or funny, people will go, yes, I like that, that's right.
Love it! I like that! That's riiiiight!
One computer scientist Unabomber victim thinks it “makes things interesting” not to have control of the open software systems running our lives, adds that though this makes more problems we can't control, it’s easier to fix the problems if it’s software.... My mouth is hanging open as he's saying this because he's talking just as though the human lives affected were nonexistent, completely immaterial. Then immediately responds to a question about the attack on him: “It strikes me as dangerous to approach human life as if there were no moral component.” Breathtaking.
I was so astonished I forgot to look for cuts in these hypocrite interviews. I don't think they were there, though, because the interviewer is always off camera and I didn't notice the images of the subjects cutting. Even if there were hours between the statements that so outrageously pointed precisely at the problem, though, I'm sticking with "breathtaking" because it took my breath away.
There's much more in here than just the Unabomber in this documentary, which is why Henrik added it to his post.