i'm worried

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No, really. You should bear in mind this schmuck was an extreeeemely well-paid salesman for some seeeeerious fuckers and I don't even know if he hears himself telling you how you should think about what he tells you—I don't even know if you can hear it—but I am recognizing a pattern here.

These trivium dudes don't seem to catch themselves using all the rhetorical tricks they claim to despise. They don't seem to put it together that this supposedly great education being withheld from the masses is also precisely the mechanism used to condition us, to propagandize us. They don't seem to grok that it turns them into smug propagandizers who simply don't choose to see it that way....

I recently unsubbed Corbett on YouTube because I am tired of him pontificating on shit I already know and telling me how valuable it is that he exists. I've recently nearly short-circuited myself trying to fathom Irvin's vexing approach, wondering if I should muster the tsunami to make him stop and look, or just blow it off. Now Richard Grove is bothering me similarly.

Fancy that! A little network of counter-propagandizers! They think you're stupid cows too. Useless eaters. The rabble. But they're nice about it! They offer you the chance to get in with them, learn conviction in your world view through the liberal mention of "primary sources". It's free... if you can withstand the relentless subtext of You Should Pay For This....