i think the windiest part is behind us

[click image]


You probably have heard that it's been raining rhinos and giraffes here for the past 48 hours or so. There were some good bouts with some serious wind mixed in with it. After the top half of one of my trees going last season, I'm even more not up for the wind part than usual. Still, so far, everything's in pretty good shape around here. Darn wet and supposed to get vastly even wetter. But I haven't seen any neighbors floating by yet....


Some hours later....

I think I mentioned it is, and has been, raining quite heavily here. I just thought I should add that it goes from damn it's really raining to WTF! WTF! WTF! around here today.

And... three or four neighbors have floated by over the last hour or so... along with uncounted cows and dogs and cats and rhinos and giraffes.... If there isn't too much crap in these fronts the trees are going to have themselves an outright awesome spring.