an accumulation of aggravations

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Maybe, for this my little sister's 59th birthday, I will just pile up the day's geopolitical nightmares, omens, signs of the end times and causes for doomed optimism... things of that ilk. Of course, every time I take it into my head to do this, something even bigger and worthy of its own memorial crops up to demand it's own thing, but, heck, you must be used to glancing through the front page for updates... or... used to ignoring that possibility... or... some hit or miss combination of these... or... even just wondering how the heck you got here....


Russia, bless their pointy heads, has just accomplished a temporary victory in the matter of bombing the crap out of potential chemical weapons victims. It has occurred to me just how much more statesmanlike Putin and Lavrov have been in this matter, how it smacks of certain beloved leaders of yore... of lucidity and of morality. So, yes, you jaded fucks, even if it's a plot, they will, at least, deserve to rule the world.


Have I mentioned lately how much I hate these guys?


Well, of course, you twits! That's the whole point....


Oh, now here's a real shocker... not.