But this world is preposterous right now, and I'm already freakin' about the missing nuke/s from some years back, so even if this might be them — military people who don't want to do it mano-a-mano, or just Alex, which I doubt — false flagging us into stopping this craziness, I am now going to have to find my chill pills if I expect to get any sleep tonight.
So, but, it crossed my mind earlier that we might nuke a British vessel to get our casus belli and casus foederis in one fell swoop, killing millions of birds with one stone, so to speak... and so I'm less apt to see through this just now if it's bullshit.
I think another reason they like to keep us this poor is because then we haven't the means to go tear them limb from limb.
The only other thing I want to say, without meaning to add to your alarm, is that you know whose side China will come down on. Plus, it's time for Norway to rescind that Peace Prize... and loudly.
A comment about Congress on YouTube that particularly struck my fancy today:
After the dust settles and the politicians crawl out from their rocks and underground bunkers I'll be waiting with my gun.Except, why does she want to wait until after?
UPDATE: 5 September 2013
I wonder if this is the chicken or the egg....
I mean, the whole thing sounds hinky to me. I don't think trucks can just drive up with not even any paperwork and get a base commander to hand over mothballed nukes. I don't think even the president can call that base commander and get him to do it. I think it has to all be done according to a strict protocol or it isn't done. And I don't think Lindsey Graham would be naming their destination if this were really going on either.
I don't exactly trust that Gucciardi wouldn't have read the CBS piece and made up the source to help rile us... and Senator Graham... against this perfidiousness most foul... but then again, we are so not living in lucid times right now, and it could be what they say it is and I'm just not all the way at the bottom of that ocean yet.