oh i can hardly wait

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Frontline on Snowden....

Their track record has been so sucky for so long... but I think even the completely bought off denizens of MSM are pretty damn avid to get this one right. They are quickly turning into victims of their own cowardice... not just us... so... I'm just practicing breathing though it....


Quoth Darth Cheney:
We're going to push and push and push until some larger force makes us stop.
What larger force would that be?


Oh my. I can see I am going to have to pause this numerous times in order to keep the breathing even and expansive. They started out with some new stuff from Greenwald and then plunged right back into their archives brimming with barnswoggle from all their slick bits on 9/11 and the Dubya NSA felonies. Stuff anyone like me at the time already knew backward and foreward... so well that each whopper wafting off the pixels has already long since sent decent souls to the ER. I don't know if they are going to get back to the Snowden stuff here or if they've just added a half hour to their stock undried horse shit.

It still blows my mind that one can just shed a tear and whine a little about the dead people he let down and others make quasi-official quacks about having to prevent another 9/11 and that's supposed to justify the NSA wiretapping everyone in the United States. The story was that it was foreigners with box cutters. What was it about 9/11 that made them think Americans needed wiretapping? Hmmm?

Oh, I'd say just the fear we'd cotton onto who actually did it and want to plot their overthrow... but I'm just a kooky old Zen hermit. Fucking awesome, ain't it? People keep taking it, denying what's right under their noses, because they can stand this despicable brain washing better than what's actually right under their noses.

This isn't forgivable. I don't care how many forgive you for being a murderating coward. It's not forgivable.


Plus, seems to me, sometime in 2006, someone, possibly Jason Leopold, found a sort of white paper wish list for all this stuff, all these capabilities, predating 2001. I think it would've been drawn up in advance of Dubya taking office and set in front of him right after. But I can only remember for sure that it was a wish list for all this NSA surveillance capability and from either right before Dubya took office or right after, definitely before 9/11... back when PNAC had "a new Pearl Harbor" on their wishlist....

I'm not even going to look for it. I saw it. A lot of people saw it. That's why we should know in advance that this is horse shit.


And, Obomber, constitutional law scholar, may have had only a glimmer of an idea what his agenda was, from being told what his vote would be on the FISA expansion, until his first day in office. That doesn't excuse him, his cowardice that's so good at killing people. I'm just sayin' that whoever was going to deliver on that new Pearl Harbor was demanding the ability to manipulate financial transactions this well and there are documents that point to it.