by mistake

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I just got pointed to a Catholic saint who floated around as I did as a girl... and then dared click the link for their definition of "ecstasy". Honestly, sometimes Christianity begins to make sense to me lately. I mean, every time it begins to make sense to me it seems they are almost there... sort of clunkily Westernly trying to say the same thing... and I wonder if there are not arcane treatises by monastic types that end up not clunky at all....

This is a possibility.

Except it's always too vexing to keep trying to find that and I don't think it's needful to know more than that somewhere in that tortuous mess, every bit as awful as with Buddhism, lie kernels that can get one into the frame of mind where one sees. It doesn't seem unreasonable that this might be the case. So I can dig that.

Also, strikes me how close this description is to what I [we] experienced at the conference.

always and any time....