i don't get it

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I thought this was supposed to be shocking, the biggest revelation yet, the monster deal that would show us once and for all this is no kidding perfidy to the max. This is more shocking than them gathering everything? This is it? Was there really a Muslim left on the planet who would've been surprised about this at any time during the last, say twenty-five years? Have you been living under a rock?

I recognize I'm supposed to feel this way, but I also recognize that twenty years ago gatherings of Muslim women's groups were having to concern themselves with security... in the San Francisco Bay Area. It was already abundantly clear that the Western World was being propagandized against Islam full time, well before even the WTC bombing. So now we're supposed to be shocked they've been spying on our coveted Muslim-Americans? Is that so?

I don't get it.

Or I do, and we can kiss off any further movement from Edward Snowden's sacrifice, whatever size it actually was.


When I got back home the other day, I was wiped by all the things that needed my attention, and so I did what I always do in such cases, I paid attention that was outright neither here nor there to me. I mean, of course I care about the subject matter, but don't care one way or other about the program. It just popped up on my radar and I thought it was a good way to stuff my quandary into the background where it would be decided and let me know when I wanted to press on with the important stuff.

It's a long listen, but there turned out to be some interesting points in there. Again with the notion that there have been atmospheric changes, manmade and universe made, that may have changed the character of contrails. I wouldn't take it from the smug fuck feeding it to Joe Rogan, because, of course, it was designed to mislead, but I'm not sure these guys design things to mislead. I'm pretty sure they think well of themselves, that they get it wrong often and do not admit it, but I also know this woman has done some pretty intensive historical research on some things and has come out with something quite more like the truth than usually gets out into ethers. So I'm willing to turn it over in my head. I think there is enough good will there to at least consider her point of view.


It occurs to me that I am back at my post and can turn back on comments. Seems almost as though no sooner did I get used to not checking my notifications than I need to go back to it. And this makes me want to ask if you care about that option enough to want it back. Which then makes me realize I have to turn comments back on for you to answer that question.

See. Not that many people have ever been into commenting on my blog, and between my running off people who were being nasty to others and the NSA getting busted for total information awareness, well, it's almost only jo6 and bb2 who ever want to pipe up about anything and maybe they only do it out of faithful hearts.

I was so tired of blog comments from those years playing progressive-fascist monitor yonder and so unwilling to take up more of my friends' time that I needed to be hounded into opening comments on my old blog. So it stuck for when I moved into this one, and over all this time it has occurred to me that wherever it does not clash with my maniac imperatives I want you to be happy, whoever you are.

So do you want to talk on my blog or through email or not at all or go psychic or WTF do we do? No comments and your serenity is less imperiled by things that impact it one way or the other, but comments highlight some sort of duty to say something for many people, whether they intend to say anything or not, and even if they have no comment.

I have been thinking about changing the blogging platform and having a section where we can leave links for each other and blather together and a section that is just me posting what I post. That seems to be more fitting for the way things end up happening here, but I have a bunch of stuff at home that needs deciding despite my wish it would just go away and leave me alone, and my usual lack of funds, and wanting to try to fit with the best possible use of me by sentient beings... and so I'm up in the air.

I'll turn on comments again so you can opine if you want, and if you don't, we can turn them back off.


But, with or without chemtrails, HAARP's not dismantled yet... and JPF brings a little more clarity to the piece I linked the other day.


The get 'er done Chinese are at it again.



Turning comments back on didn't turn them on. It only made the option to turn them on one at a time show up on my options and so, fuck, I need a rest home....


I tellz yiz, what "negatively affects girls' feelings" is ordering a plus size shirt from China and not being able to button it when it arrives. And in the old days J.Crew never had anything for women with busts bigger than 36", which made me disinclined to buy pants there too. Seems to me they've been after making flat-chested girls feel good about themselves.


I only know one of them and he's lost half his fortune since the last time I spoke to him.

always and any time....