stereo mono mox nix

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It's still idiots mistaking their circuitry for intelligence.

I'm maybe going to lose it soon.

I want you guys to do me a favor. It's a cool one. You might actually have a lot of fun doing it, or because you did it. No kidding. Just erase the bullshit about five senses and correct it to six senses. Sight, sound, smell, touch, taste, thought. Eyes, ears, nose, skin, mouth, brain.

That yammering inside there? All those opinions? Your intense desire to think well of yourself? That's all the mechanism by which inputs turn into what to do about them... right or wrong... cogent or not... decent or not. There's an object, the rods and cones give a representation of it. If it's noisy, the eardrums chime in. If it gives off an odor, we can detect it. If it's the right kind of solid, we can pick it up. If all this adds up to something that makes a certain kind of music, we eat it.

The thing in charge of sensing what we can eat is busy with other stuff too... people, cars, lions, forest fires, comets, babes, caves, weather... what-have-you... working to weave what might apply from past sense inputs, experiences, environments, happenings into what might apply to each new instant we encounter. We need cogent sensory mapping. We need to process all kinds of shit to see what should be done about all that stuff, too, but still, basically, our brains are about sensing all the senses and making something plausible, right or wrong, lucid or luny, come of them on a minute-to-minute basis, whether or not we have the right information available to make that at least look like we're playing with a full deck.

And all this dreaming up of better options? This unhappiness with the currently popular choices that makes us want to invent things? Wanting to make things to work out to our betterment? Our glory? Our release from chains?

We need labs and think tanks and grants and some mechanism for sucking up the best and brightest! There's work to do! We have to develop a shit ton more synapses to get that all handled... and by all and any means let's, because if we're not kept busy, fully engaged, totally occupied, outright consumed, with that, something really upsetting might happen.

Because there's something else. It is supposed to be able to input the brain because sometimes it requires prioritizing with the six senses to work out right for meat sacks. Freedom. Autonomy. A whole human life. You can't get people to do your work for you if they are whole humans. The mechanism of enslavement is to break that circuit, that connection of the something else with the mental sense. That crucial thing we secretly know is the truth of each of us, and we are never not ready to just pass out from wishing we could integrate, in this world, is left somewhere out [in] there beyond our reach.

How do you do that? You make the inputs from all six senses so busy with self-defense [survival] that it drowns out the inputs from that gorgeous self we don't remember ever being. You look back on your infancy and you almost remember it, but you have been so busy trying to be one of the set of all humans for all this time, you can't even think that through, let alone get back there to pick up a better thread. No. You have to eat. You have to drive the right car. You have to wear the right clothes. You have to be seen with the right people. You have to feel good about your enthusiasms and that means you have to keep up with the latest on them. This is the information age! No time to not be absorbing information!

Our electricity is busily shooting around inside our heads like to make the 4th of July die of envy, searching for the spot where that broken circuit can be fixed. Let's transfer ourselves into computers so we don't have to die before we find that fucker! It can't be right that we are born, scared or distracted or just plain worked out of our wits, and die.

That's stupid. We can't be here just for that. What crime did we commit? No. We can free ourselves of this enslavement, this discomfort, this uneasiness, this deuced vale of tears, if we just get enough stuff, just work a little harder, just find the right lifestyle, the right subject, the right pastime, the right church, the right friends, the right dots to connect, the right configuration of thoughts....

There aren't enough years in anybody's life to get everything on the bucket list checked off before checkout.

So whatever's that almost-think-you-know out [in] there, if it's strong enough, gets a sit in a fancy building every Sunday or a prostration or two or ten, but that's really profligate and only for the very most determined. Otherwise, fuck no! There's the singularity to achieve. There's a better world to wrest from these oceans of our own failure toxins. That whining stomach and that whining kid. Tuition and taxes and studying up on what might be the right investment to assure we don't have to agonize over the purchase of anything it strikes us to buy... needful or whimsical. Panting. Puffing. Sucking in the air to drive the motor cortex to continue....

You can't resolve this. The only way to quell your mounting unease in this galaxy of imperatives is to deaden it. Maybe you drink. Maybe you're a doper. Maybe you're addicted to pleasure. Or your fear of falling. Or maybe that's all too much work and you are so exhausted you prefer good old all-American theta entrainment. Whatever is sensorily pervasive enough to blot out that mother fucking awful and confusing worry, that feeling like maybe you're going to be diagnosed with cancer any minute or a plane is going to drop out of the sky on you or you will lose your job and turn into a homeless piece of shit or there's a demon crouching behind your monitor or "they" are going to get control of the whole planet before you get this worked out....

It's all just that one broken circuit.

NOTHING you can do fixes this world without that one circuit operating properly.

always and any time....