charlatanism and paternalism are inextricably linked

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And so are speculation and belief systems with no actual intersection with reality beyond the uses put to them by charlatans whose paternalism has encrusted air sculpture with scales made of jargon. Fish hooks almost everywhere, and where they are not, control freaks with lethal egos quickly make them... and believe themselves.

I've spent my entire life stumped by people who lie without even being aware of it. My mother. She has no idea she's lying when she lies, and is so outraged by the truth being pointed out, lit up, made apparent, there will be no mercy ever shown to the miscreant/s. This is married to the charlatanism/paternalism axis.

It's all complete horse shit, even if it is far more pervasive than almost anyone will credit. Everywhere I turn, more scaled air sculptures, fisherman fishes, pure delusion interrupting true humanity. All ten directions. Seemingly immortally. Either going to drive me nuts or out of my own frailties.

always and any time....