misandrist lesbianic crazy people

[click image]


Are ruining everything!


That kid needs some downers so he can make his dazzling points stick. He's too young, too Hatfield and McCoy and too fried with the pressure of his blazing urges to offend, but he has some dazzling points. Beside that, he's the first gay person I've heard in decades assert that most homosexuals, etc, are NOT "born this way"... that it's more properly thought of as a mixture of nature and nurture, that it's not just the best actual science we have on the matter, but he noticed in himself there is a distinct element of consciously deciding to it.

He wanted to upset his mother. He wanted to be outrageous, freak people out.

And so do a great many gay people. Not just men. Both sexes.

This squares with what I was told by a lot of gay people back in the 70s and 80s... and every time I try to bring that up in "polite company" I get the PC litany from a bunch of screaming maniacs who either never bothered to investigate it with actual gay people or are actual gay people who suddenly find themselves traitors to their ilk if they tell the truth.

There's a company line and everybody's adhering to it like raving zombies... and I do mean that contradiction in terms. They are zombies who rave on cue.

always and any time....