i just had an intense flashback

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Ever since I was four or so, I have been an ace navigator. My father always had my mother give me the map on vacation, so I could point him in the right direction. All I needed was someone to tell me our approximate location on the map and I could tell him where to turn to get where we were going.

It took me a while to get the left right business. Always being told to remember my right hand was my Pledge of Allegiance hand, but I really didn't have even that down pat by the time I was seven. Miraculous sense of direction and not very miraculous sense of what you call it.

So when Poppa would drive me somewhere, clear up until he didn't have to drive me anywhere anymore, I would almost unerringly SAY the wrong direction, but point in the correct one. Finally, he just said, "From now on, don't say, just point."

Decades later, my teacher said something hauntingly similar. "Don't thrust. Just aim."

This gets even more telling when you realize that your eyes have almost nothing to do with directions, with aiming. Just as I best not say the direction to turn, but only point, I also best not look at my target if I want to hit it. I also best not thrust my energy at my target, but only aim it, if I want it to be effective.

always and any time....