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I keep hearing that online polls are meaningless because you can vote as many times as you want if you have your machine set to stealth mode or whatever mode it is that blocks cookies, which would make all polls now officially meaningless and no gauge of anything. I don't know if this applies where you need to be signed in to vote.


While I'm at it, you know, using news anchors as moderators might have been reasonable fifty years ago, but by now there can't be enough people who really think they're impartial to keep it from being outright insulting to the audience that they are in the building.

Presidential debates should be moderated by third party candidates and no one else in the building beside camera crew and security people... only thing fairer would be to tape the meetings where the candidates are approved by their overlords... though it is becoming clear that Donald is encountering all this interference because he wasn't approved by the overlords, just brazening his way into the fray like always.

always and any time....