i don't know what this is

[click image]


I don't know if it's an attempt to remind us — hey, yer here illegally! — or the plain truth. These guys are pretty good at reporting what's actually happening over there, but, well, it's very depressing.


I slept ten hours last night, and another two this afternoon, of course, because my dream sleep does not happen when I've had to take a pill, and I'm not lucid enough if I haven't gotten any dream sleep. So, all in all, it's a good thing, and maybe my real brain will start working tonight.

But I was dreaming about having forgotten a particularly pernicious perfidy by my sister's lawyer, when in fact the stuff I was "remembering" in the dream has yet to happen, may never happen, and I say "may" because I have a vague tendency toward prophetic dreams. The cheap motel where I stay for court appearances was involved.

A deposition of a star witness was supposed to take place there, but her lawyer created an emergency that had managed to do away with her before her testimony could be made part of the record, and I was "remembering" this... except we are nowhere near any point where depositions would take place.

A shrink would call this an "anxiety dream". Maybe it was.

Or maybe it's more important than that.


It could all be bothering me because I had this playing in the background for the last nearly five hours, and everybody on earth can surely agree it's a highly aggravating subject, even if you're sleeping through half of it.

pipe up any time....