reviewing stage one

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I am losing my edge from stress, and so I need to review.


I guess I should add that I do not think all is explained by space aliens. It could very easily have been earthlings from an earlier advanced civilization, or even one contemporary with the ancient civilizations, but secret from them. I mean, I can so totally hang with the notion of humans coming from outer space, or even being bred by them from earthling apes, because it would explain some of our worst features, but....

But it is a huge mistake to think we were not capable of all these things, even back then. The dating of discoveries of modern human skeletal remains keeps pushing our origin date back by thousands of years. I don't even remember what was the latest dating, but I know it's already been shown to be at least 200,000 years.

There have been quite a few civilization-devasting cataclysms in that time. Each of which would have set survivors back into the stone age in short order... but what if one or two of them didn't set the whole planet back that far, only most of it?

Once again I am urging you to set aside your presets and think as deeply into what might be better explanations for stuff we have only been assuming because we were taught these assumptions as children. Yes, I'm telling you that stuff you have taken as solid for virtually your whole life is not, in fact, solid at all. Maybe not all of it, but a LOT of it, and the liberation of your brain cells from these conditioned-in prisons can give you a major upgrade in your zest for life, EVEN in times like these.

pipe up any time....