beside her breakfast meeting with putin

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I guess she needed to bone up on the presidential kaleidoscope of Australia. Somebody was bitching about all the bankers mixing with the world leaders at the G20, but they're obviously there to run the global economy while the leaders are there merely for appearances and some consequential side exchanges. Since Trump had to cancel the consequential parts, can you blame him for wanting to get out and back working?

As for Chancellor Merkel, I still don't know. I don't speak German and I don't have any good sources to get a better bead on it, but I still feel she didn't have a choice on the matter of the Westernizing of Muslim migrants thing. I don't know if she ever will, but I'm pretty sure it ain't what it looks like and never has been... OR she's evil incarnate and has used Putin's soft spot for the ladies against him.

pipe up any time....