the good news and the bad news

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It's going to be one degree warmer today, and another hard freeze is now officially in progress. I was awakened by heartburn [I hope] at 4:30am and, wonders, I'd had the foresight to have my long-johns in bed with me and my uggs right next to it, so, well....

So you might've enjoyed a video of me trying to get out of bed this morning. Suffice it to say, thrown-out back and all, it took a long time and was very glacially squirmy.

No problem whatsoever washing dishes and anything else involving warm water either.

I will be fighting with my optometrist, perforce, later today, and I'm going to ask that bastard if there isn't some way, beside thousand-dollar glasses, to completely obviate any chance of putting my contacts in backward again.

I have a goddam good excuse for the last time, but the DMV is having none of it.

pipe up any time....