it was too cold yesterday morning — my birthday... in fits and starts

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So I got back in bed with my electric blanket, and fell asleep to Sherlock Holmes. I found myself at the hairdresser's. She was weird and nervous and ran off to get a fresh comb, but then someone came and wheeled me in my barbershop chair down a hallway to the left. It was a hospital, a very old one that had been refurbished. All the doorways to patients' rooms were made to look like the grand entrances of mansions. There was a very lot of talking going on and an orderly just wheeled me around for a while and then back to the hairdresser, who still had not returned with the comb. I got out of the chair and walked out, expecting to find the car I have not owned in thirteen years.


So there's a big deal in DC today, naturally, because they want to prove to me they mean business about peace. They are from various outposts on the political spectrum. Peace isn't supposed to be a partisan thing after all. Everyone should be able to agree on it.

Everyone, at heart, does agree on it, but too many people still can't get over themselves long enough to, even maybe on pain of WWIII, cut the bullshit virtue signaling and kitchen sink. The good news is there seems to be no Code Pink this time. They've proven themselves utterly insincere about peace, having dropped it utterly upon the inauguration of Nosbarracktu and only showing up, I think, once or twice for the pussy hat horse shit over President Trump.

Anyway, give that link a scroll to see if there's anything there you are interested in, and there's a lot to choose from already and threatens to be more throughout the day.

If I fall asleep, it'll be a surprise to me, but I'm wearing my new slippers that will let me through the slush of the mudroom, and so it'll be loopy around here, but not crabby... probably... and I'm not going to wail about the SHIT going on in the world on my birthday. I'm going to remember that a big peace rally, even if embarrassing, is a good present... way better'n cake... and just tack shit onto this post as I will.


It's always advisable to not start watching streams like that until after they're well underway or even all the way over so you can skip through and just listen to the good bits.




After the long string of speakers at the Lincoln Memorial, they are marching to the White House and promise more speakers there. I don't know if any of that will be streamed, but the first stream has stopped. Smartest place to pick it back up, I think, if they will be streaming more, should be found on their YouBube channel....

pipe up any time....