you probably already know, but...

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I had to get down to Eureka today with my marvelous neighbor. Had to get up stupid early. Had to chug down some coffee without anything in it in order to get my pants on straight and gather up the necessary items for a long day down in "civilization", sort of chicken with her head cut off, synapses going in every direction, FINALLY getting everything I'd need in one pile and then piling into Eve's glorious truck with heated seats.

Got home at live long last with an even bigger pile of stuff to deal with, BUT did have the fancy half and half to make my early evening return half dead considerably more caffeinated, put stuff in order, scrub things, heft things, generally make myself able to emerge from my bed tomorrow in some sort of condition to live on.

So, it wasn't that I don't care desperately for his release to his family, it was simply because I'm old and couldn't crank 'er out with my hair on fire to get in the truck so we would not be late.

pipe up any time....