saved me a lot of time
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I was SO fried yesterday I had a very long nap the minute I got home, slept through the global festivities so to speak. Then had to catch up to get some kind of fix on how bad it was, but my body was dragging me down off my desk chair, so I went to bed... and slept like a stone for almost 13 hours straight.
I can't describe how badly I was malfunctioning the past couple days. I was so deeply in need of sleep with my loose sleep wire loosening more on me, didn't even take a chill pill to let me sleep. Holy crap. I'm only one coffee into my Sunday, and I'm not even misfiring a tenth as badly as yesterday. It's a sign from the buddhas of the ten directions....
Just we can't be sure yet what the sign signifies.
pipe up any time....
sleep circus
what do you call the world?