what we get
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When we let airhead typists feed Artificial "Intelligence". You might ask how that's any different from what we have now, and I would respond with a snort. Precisely. It needs VERY badly to be FAR better than what we have now or we're DOOMED.
At least now we have some ability to inject sense when some dimwit's transcription breeds with a mindless AI to spawn a "documentary" that will be indoctrinating a quanta of innocents.
These frankly obnoxious incarnations of airhead typists with brute spellcheckers pushing AI around to become gospel to generations of sentient beings wanting the clean air of MEANING and INSIGHT can cripple the entire future of life on earth, and probably because some geek techie saw a fasttrack to YouBube wealth.
Our posterity will die idiots.
pipe up any time....