Ya spoze Arnie will keep telling us "the data don't support it"?
In a related matter, Tokyo Electric reported a sharp rise in temperature at the nearby Reactor 3. It was at 202 degrees Celcius early Sunday, up 40 degrees in less than a day, but still less than the normal operating temperature. Tokyo Electric plans to monitor the reactor closely.Of-goddam-course.

NO. REALLY. Where is the reactor containment at Unit 3 at all?
It is unfortunate that tower is in the way of a clear shot, but you can still see that what's supposed to be there IS NOT THERE. So it's getting on my nerves how many otherwise perfectly lucid-seeming people keep invoking Gundersen or praising him in this matter. I know almost everyone is clueless about nukes plants, but there's enough educational material out there that you can find what's supposed to be there and use your EYES. This is about as bad as the government telling us the World Trade Towers pancaked. I don't want to think of how many people swallowed that as though they did not have two eyes or a vestigial brain, but, goddammit, just don't go there again on THIS one.
HERE is a comprehensive set of links for anyone stuck in the OBL quagmire.