i'm messing with my youtube subscriptions again

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I have gotten sick of a few of them. I went really crazy subscribing to Lusitano horse channels and could probably thin that out a little. I like Thomas Sheridan and don't know why I wasn't already subscribed, but now that I compulsively must limit myself to 99 subscriptions I gotta find channels to unsub for every new one I want to follow....

I'm not fickle. I just notice an awful lot of people who used to have plenty to say, who used to be sharp, are talking like they're stoned on something, or too heavily in need of sleep, or have just plain taken leave of what passed for mental acuity. I don't mind listening to dumb bunnies who have real things to talk about. I don't mind listening to people with whom I disagree on one thing or even ten as long as they have cogent points to make. You all know I will endure a lot of blather for a few juicy bits. But at some point I just get fed up.

The thing I'm always dying for is people with uncommon spiritual gravitas, people who talk about riveting stuff. That's why I appreciate GeorgeAnn so much. No matter what kind of muddle she's in, she keeps trying to bring us people worth hearing. A couple of her regulars are so crazy I can't bear to listen, but mostly, even if they're talking about stuff I'm not interested in, I know I will be interested when they're talking about it.

So, anyway, I'm sneaking around on the tubes again, looking to jazz this up a bit....